Tuesday, August 16, 2016

Myanmar Part 2 - 20th May 2016

Day 1.
Flight to Yangon so early in the morning, AK 504 6.55 am.  Arrived at the airport around 4.30am. Because of so early, i forced my brother to send me. Nasib lah kan . Already web check in and meet up with my friend. We went to docuument check and straight to enter the international departures. We didn't buy the luggage , we only have carry on with us. Back packer kan . Bawak sikit2 ajelah kan. We went inside  and while waiting we had our breakfast. Bolehlah makan mee pagi2 buta. After breakfast , we went for solat subuh.

Then here we come, boarding the AK 504 to Yangon. The flight took about 2 1/2 hours. For this trip we change the money to US Dollar. Based on the research we need to have new US dollar to change at the airport.  New meaning crispy cream. I chnged to 300 usd from malaysia . Advisable to change at the airport to avoid any problem of black market money. Once we arrived , we went thru the imigration procedure with smooth sailing. Then straight to the money changer . I only change 200 usd. I think that enough since we paid already for the accomodation and transport.
All the people waiting for their love one.
See how much money we have.. makcik kaya makcik kaya.. i think we change roughly about 240,000 kyat.. kaya kaya kan .. sebeban dia bagi duit . Actually we all pun tak paham kenapa dia bagi duit seratus semuanya. 
Then i bought the local sim card. Cost me about 1500 kyat. After settle everything we went outside looking for our tour guide. Surprise that we were at outside a lot of local people wearing sarong. If in malaysia like malay guy wearing kain pelikat. But they wear this as their daily activity to the office and for works. Sort of pakaian rasmi lah kat sana. I been to Thailand, Vietnam, Cambodia but at here a lot of  people wearing the traditional costume. Respect to them. 
 Then we meet up with our tour driver 
Outside the airport 
Their local bus. Like somewhere in 1980 in our country. 

On the way to the city centre as usual jem strawberry. 
Our 1st stop at Tomb Bahadur Shah Zafar details of this place you can read thru this link 

So layan gambar masjid ni. When we arrived they in the  middle preparing the place for Friday Prayer.  

Entrance Fee: Free to enter
Visiting Hours: It is best to visit the Tomb of Bahadur Shah Zafar during the day, from morning prayers until evening prayers. If you come at prayer times you can watch the Indian-Muslim tradition.
Location: The tomb of Bahadur Shah Zafar is located south of the Shwedagon Pagoda and Maha Wizaya Pagoda on Zi Wa Ka Street off of U Wizara Road in Yangon, Myanmar. 

Located just beside the Scott Market this Cathedral got two huge towers. With its big red and beautiful architecture.. this place is free of cost to visit and open for certain hours for visitors and for prayers.
Holly Trinity Cathedral . We didn't go inside, just posing outside. Afterward we went to Scott Market or Bogyoke Aung San Market . Please take note the market will be close every monday. So plan your travel so that you can visit the market. 
 Lorong toward the market . Just a walking distance form the church. 
 Inside the market. Small lot selling a lot of local stuff. Just a window shopping for us. 
 We bought the local sarong for souvenir. Cost us about 2500 to 4000 depend on what type and color you choose. 

 They also selling this Jade and other 
 This two guys keep following us and help us to bargain with local people. They can speak malay. A first we a bit annoyed with them but then later..whatever lah coz both of them quite persistent in promoting the shop and things. I think they will get commission  when they introduce the customer. Ok may their rezekilah tu. Also good because we can save our time rather than circling around the area. 
 The outside facade of the building 
Another view at the front 
 Afterthat we went for  lunch. At first the tour guide bring us to the local restaurant , then we asked him to bring us to Halal restaurant. Huaawah so lapar. Alhamdulillah ada halal food . 
 Inside the restaurant 
 The Tom Yam ... huaawah so sedap 

Nasi yang di hidang dengan penuh kasih sayang. 
Chicken Cashew Nut . So apa lagi we all makan dengan lahapnya. Masa tengah makan hujan lebat sangat . So we all makan dengan sopan dan berhemah just to kill the time. Really tak ingat how much cost the food sebab terlampau lapar. Lepas hujan reda we all cari the driver mintak dia drop kita dekat nearby masjid utk solat. 
Dan tak sangka hujan lebat tadi tu boleh buat banjir at certain part of the city. May be the drainage system not working very well. 

Macam seram jea kan tgk air tu. Rasa tak dalam sangat tapi tahap kebersihan air tu. 
 Masjid kita solat. Actually macam indian muslim punya masjid. Hujan lebat tak sempat ambik gambar kat luar. Nama masjid pun tak ingat. 
 Alhamdulillah selesai solat . We went to city tour.
 At the back the famous pagoda in the city centre
 Sule Pagoda

 Shwedagon Pagoda and for detail can click here

So layan gambar. 
Lepas city tour we all pegi bus station untuk naik overnight bas to Bagan. The bus terminal a bit far from city center. About one hour so. Original plan kita nak naik train , to be more adventure lah konon. Tapi tiket tak available . So naik bas ler kita. Fuyoh sampai tempat tunggu bas tu macam zaman 80an dulu. Tak ambik gambar lagi. Toilet dia boleh lah. Tapi bas dia superb. Macam dalam kapal terbang. Kalau tak caya layan gambar. 

 Tengok siap bagi blanket lagi . Takut sejuk. Hello air asia kena sewa tau blanket.Dia bagi jugak roti , air mineral and tissue. Space selasa. Boleh lah tidor malam tu. 

So nanti sambung for the 2nd day at Bagan . chow

Tuesday, August 2, 2016

Myanmar - Part 1 - 20 May 2016 - 24 May 2016

Macamana we all boleh plan nak pergi Myanmar pun rasa macam tak percaya pun ada. Boleh kawan -kawan tanya kenapa dalam banyak-banyak tempat nak pergi Myanmar. Selamat ke nak pergi sekarang. Bukan ada issue perkauman ke ? and bla bla. Asalnya my friend ni nak habiskan cuti. So we decided to go around asia sahaja. Because our leave very limited for me not for her. She want to utilize last year carry forward leave.  All the places that suggested by her, mostly i went already. Lastly she mentioned Myanmar . Then i said ok , no problem. So begitulah kisahnya.

Without any research about the country we booked the ticket ( apalagi  Air Asia jelah kan )  which cost us about  RM250 without the luggage.  Hahahah part ni a  bit kelakar. After we booked the flight we just realized that we need to apply visa to go to Myanmar. We just assume that like we want to go to Cambodia and Vietnam but apparently not that way.  Hahahah... and the cost for visa about RM240. Wow that quite expensive.  Itulah tak study dulu sebelum pergi. Ingatkan nak save the flight ticket but  end up we need to pay more for the visa. 

How to apply visa for Myanmar . Actually not that difficult, company as called Ever Fine been outsourced to handle the visa application . Better to prepare all the document before you go there and it will short cut the process . The office very near masjid Jamek LRT station and just opposite Mc Donald. They use the same entrance for the hotel , sorry can't remember the hotel name.  So this the details. You can google the rest hahahah.. jahat tak. 

Ever Fine Travel sn Tour Sdn Bhd
19-21, Mezzanine Floor , Jalan Tun Perak, Kuala Lumpur. 
Working Hour 8.00am to 6.00pm

If you come early , you can get the visa on the same day.  During the submission the officer asked me why want to go to Myanmar. Are you sure you want to go ? hahaha a lot of questions, tiba-tiba macam cuak jugak.  

We plan for 5 days 4 nights. Macam lama kan . Boleh lah sebenarnya. Because we don't want to rush and as part of holiday kan , macam nak santai-santai. And to be safe we booked all the accomodationa and transport thru an agent. Senang cerita because we don't have much time. If you have time then better do some research and you can save certain amount of money.

So Yangon here we come.

  • 20th - Arrived and Sighseeing in Yangon, train ride to Bagan in the evening
  • 21st - Sightseeing in Bagan
  • 22nd - Sightseeing in Bagan, bus ride to Yangon in the evening
  • 23rd - Sightseeing in Yangon
  • 24th - Depart to KL at 8.00 am

Monday, May 30, 2016

Menawan Bukit Broga

Apa yang menarik sangat Bukit Bora . Semua orang nak pergi Broga. Semua nak hashtag Broga. Why suddenly Broga become so famous. Ada yang cakap sebab ada somebody buat pre wedding photo and lepas tu terus femed.  We all pegi last weekend 14 May 2016.  Plan asalnya nak tengok sunrise kat bukit Broga ni. Sibuk semua nak hashtag sunrise at Broga, nampak kelas lah gitu. Bila dengar kena bangun tukul 3 pagi, mak ai semua cancel. Dah kenapa nak bangun pukul 3.00 pagi hahaha.. baik tidur lagi. So hashtag tidor lagi bagus.  Setelah semua setuju maka we all pun  berkumpul kat office pukul 5.30 pagi. Solat then gerak ke Broga. Tapi biasalah kan, kalau dah ramai-ramai tu nak gerak pukul 6 pagi jadinya 6.30 pagi. Masing2 dah telepon sebab diorg dah sampai puncak Broga ... opps silap sampai kat parking aje. So we all pun kelam kabut bertolak. Masa tu lah kereta yang depan tu bawak macam kilat. Kalau orang lain tengok mesti kata driver dia sakit perut nak terberak. We all yang kat belakang ni jenuh nak mengejar. Actually yang pegi ni group exercise office we all. Sebab bill medical banyak sangat , company suruh staff exercise until jadi sihat. Bagus kan company we all. And to prove lah juga yang kita ni hasil  dari training yang berminggu-minggu yang kita orang ni dah fit. So we arrange to hike Broga Hill.

Jalan ke sana senang aje. Kalau dari putrajaya ambik signboard ke kajang and nanti akan nampak signboard ke semenyih. Follow jea signboard tu. Basically u all akan lalu bandar semenyih. Nanti akan ada signboard ke Broga. Dekat- dekat dengan Nottingham University Semenyih Campus. Sampai-sampai nak masuk parking mak aiii parking dah penuh kereta. Sebelum tu kena bayer parking RM3.00 . Makcik yang collect tu mesti kaya. hahahaha.. beratus kereta hari tu. Tapi yelah tanah dia kan , nak buat macamana. Tapi huntunglah.

Masa ni semua simbuk nak naik. Actually sebelum tu we all buatlah sikit  stretching. Ala -ala manja macam tu , goyang sikit, toleh kiri kanan lepas tu habis. Masing2 memang dah tak sabar nak naik. 

Actually dari masa nak naik tak adalah sesusah mana. Yang penting ada stamina . Kalau tak ada masa tulah akan keluar segala penyakit yang sedia ada dan yang akan ada. Masa tu lah rasa sakit dada , dada ketat,  tak boleh bernafas , sakit lutut , tak cukup oksigen lah, masa tu kalah lah doktor MD ni . Sebab segala penyakit macam tau aje. Sampái satu tahap yang ada yg kena suggest balik ni sila  buat medical check up yea. Masa tu yang tukang bagi nasihat tu rasa nak bagi penampar je sorang2. hahahah.. tapi tahan itu semua dugaan. Ok layan gambar masa naik dan beberapa pose yang agar menarik. Tak tahulah menarik ke tak . 
Masa  ni we al dah sampai check point yang pertama. Semangat - semangat kaaaaan. 

Masa ni pun dah ada yang nak give up. Salah sorangnya adik kita sendiri. Hek eleh dari rumah punyalah semangat , berkobar2 lepas check point satu tu dah nak give up. Padahal sebelum tu asyik cerita nak naik Gunung Rinjani , Bromo lah... adeh ni baru bukit maçam nak pengsan. Siap cakap wei tolong ler yea .. ini first and the last naik Broga ni. hahahah... Tapi disebabkan tipu kata beberapa orang dalam group ni yang asyik cakap 5 minit lagi sampai , 5 minit lagi sampai maka bergerak lah jugak. Tapi sebab tak nak lalu laluan yang susah tu , we all konon nak ambik laluan yang jauh sikit tapi macam
landai. Tapi rupanya tipah tertipu. Jalan mati rupanya. Alamak .. apa2 hal kita weefiee dulu. 
Ni gambar masa nak naik ke checkpoint yang ke-1

Dah sampai ke Check Point Ke -1, ingatkan dah sampai betul-betul atas tapi rupanya ada lagi yang atas. Alamak tipah tertipu betul.

Ok gambar ni baru check point yang ke -2. Dah habis pena lelah dah ni. Sebenarnya ada lagi satu check point yang terakhir . Tapi we all dah tak larat. Semua macam dah malas. So we all posing2 ajelah kat sini. 

Lepas habis posing semua , we all pun turun. Dah tak tunggu dah group yang satu lagi, yang naik sampai check point yang terakhir tu. 

Masa nak turun memang tersiksa sikit . Sebab tanah licin disebabkan hujan malam sebelumnya. Jadi kuasa brek boboi boy sangat diperlukan ... alamatnya .. tersangatlah sakit lutut dan jari - jemari kaki.  Maka bertabahlah semua. 

Masa we all nak turun, masih ada lagi yang nak naik. Hari dah semakin panas. Nasihat we all kalau nak naik se-eloknya naik lah pagi-pagi, kalau malas sangat nak bangun pagi selewatnya pukul 7 pagi tu dah naik. Kalau tidak tahanlah tahap  kebahangan nya . 

Akhirnya 1st group yang sampai ke- bawah. Lega rasanya masing2. Dekat tepi sebelah kanan tu ada makcik jual air kelapa. Tersangat ler lakunya. Masa we all sampai buah kelapanya dah nak habis. Lepas tu we all rilek2 and tunggu satu group lagi sampai... Maka berakhir penaklukan Bukit Broga. Nak naik lagi ke? Rasanya tak lah... tapi mana tau kalau ada gerng mungkin boleh. Apa2 pun satu pengalaman yang sangat menarik dan tertarik.